martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

Novedades de la librería de la London School Economics (LSE)

Novedades de la librería de la London School Economics (LSE)

- "The Assumptions Economist Make", de Jonathan Schiefer

- "When China rules the world", de Martín Jacques

- "What money can't buy", de Michael Sandel

- "Consciousness", de Christof Koch

- "Poor Económics", de Abhijit V. Banerjee y Esther Dufio

- "In The wake of The crisis"

- "Why nations fail? The origins of power, prosperity and poverty", de Daron Acemoolu y James A. Robinson

- "The coming prosperity", de Philip E. Averswald

- "Politics in deeply divided societies", de Adrián Guelke

- "The money myth", Alexander S...son.

- "Why capitalism", de Allan H. Meter

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